Thursday, July 18, 2013

Rainbows Resurrection

Rainbow's End in Bridgewater, a short walk from my home, even with a two year old, was my first child's first playground.

Under the shady trees she, followed in time by her little brother, ran up and down the wooden paths and ramparts, swung themselves dizzy on the tire swing, crossed the catwalk, climbed the great tower and slid down the curly slide, well after it was time to go home.

But that was a long time ago.  My kids are teens now, with different towers to climb.

So I had no idea that Rainbow's End had, essentially, fallen apart.

Or rather, into disrepair.

Garbage, broken equipment, epic puddles and fallen trees have taken their toll.

And yet, on a recent visit I witnessed families still trying hard to enjoy this rugged child's sanctuary nestled in the woods.

I was delighted then, to learn that a couple of enterprising young mothers were trying hard to resurrect the playground, soliciting volunteers, donations and public input.

Kudos to them, and to everyone else getting involved in this worthwhile enterprise.

Here's the Facebook page devoted to the effort.

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